Ahi Tuna Nachos

Nachos...With Ahi Tuna

Ahi Tuna Nachos

What Are Ahi Tuna Nachos?

Ahi Tuna Nachos, also known as Poke Nachos, are a delightful fusion that marries the savory flavors of Hawaiian poke with the iconic setup of Mexican nachos. This inventive dish showcases sushi-grade ahi tuna, prepared raw or lightly seared, and marinated in a blend of soy sauce, sesame oil, and a variety of spices in a small bowl to enhance its delectable taste. Layered on a crisp foundation of crispy wonton chips, these nachos are adorned with fresh toppings like diced avocado, scallions, and sesame seeds, topped off with a spicy mayo and eel sauce drizzle.




Ingredients For Ahi Tuna Nachos


1 Cucumber

1 Avocado

1 Lime

Green Onions

1 Garlic Clove

1 Jalapeño






1/2 Cup Mayonnaise

4 Tsp Siracha

Eel Sauce

1/4 Cup Soy Sauce

1 Tbsp Sesame Oil

Wonton Wrappers



1.5 Pounds Ahi Tuna



Ground Ginger

How To Make Ahi Tuna Nachos

Step 1

Cut & Marinate Tuna



Choosing the best tuna is very important for taste and safety. Go for sushi-grade or sashimi-grade tuna, which are the best types for eating raw. Make sure it’s fresh – look for a bright pink to red color without any gray or brown spots. It should feel firm, showing it’s fresh. Also, give it a sniff – it should smell fresh and a little salty, not fishy.



Cutting the tuna properly is straightforward yet crucial. Aim for bite-sized pieces that are all the same size. This uniformity helps the marinade spread evenly, enhancing the flavor and making the dish visually appealing. Using a sharp knife and working with cold tuna steak will simplify the process.




The marinade plays a key role in flavoring the dish. Begin by mixing soy sauce and sesame oil to form a savory foundation. Adding honey brings in a touch of sweetness, countering the soy sauce’s saltiness and enriching the flavors.


Then, blend in grated ginger and lime juice. Ginger provides a spicy zest, while lime juice adds a crisp, tangy touch. This mix of ginger and lime enriches the marinade with lively, fresh tastes.


The unique mix of soy sauce, sesame oil, honey, ginger, and lime juice creates the signature flavor of poke, balancing salty, sweet, and tangy notes for a complex and pleasing taste. This marinade not only seasons the tuna with great flavors but is also crucial in defining the dish’s overall flavor profile.



After mixing the marinade, mix it with the tuna. The tuna soaks up the flavors, changing in a simple yet deep way. This makes the tuna savory and tasty, full of the soy sauce, sesame oil, honey, ginger, and lime juice flavors. The marinade boosts the tuna’s natural taste and adds more layers of flavor, playing a big role in how the dish tastes.


This step of letting the tuna marinate is crucial for giving the nachos their unique and yummy flavor.




Marinating the tuna for at least 30 minutes is vital for these nachos. This time lets the tuna soak up all the marinade flavors, adding a rich taste depth that’s key to the dish. The soy sauce, sesame oil, honey, ginger, and lime juice mix into the tuna, giving it savory, sweet, and tangy notes. This not only boosts the tuna’s flavor but also plays a big part in the dish’s overall taste.




Letting the tuna marinate for this time fully enhances its flavor profile.

Step 2

Prep Produce



Each fresh ingredient contributes uniquely to the dish. Cucumbers provide a crisp texture, while avocados add creaminess. Scallions offer a bit of spice, and cilantro adds a burst of freshness. Mixing these ingredients together complements the marinated tuna with their diverse textures and flavors, making each bite of the nachos a delightful mix of crunchy, creamy, spicy, and fresh tastes.



Start by boiling the edamame. Fill a pot with water and heat it until it boils. Then, add the frozen edamame directly – no need to thaw them. Boil for 5 to 10 minutes, depending on how tender you like them. This cooking step brings out the edamame’s flavors.




Next, strain the edamame. Use a strainer or colander to drain off the hot water and take the edamame out of the pot. This halts their cooking and gets rid of extra water. Do this right after boiling to keep the edamame from getting overly soft or mushy.



Blanching the edamame is optional but beneficial for keeping their bright green color and crisp texture. Just prepare a bowl of ice water. Once you’ve strained the boiled edamame, plunge them into the ice water right away. This quick cooling stops the cooking and locks in their color and texture. After a few minutes in the ice water, drain them.


Step 3

Make Spicy Mayo



The spicy mayo is more than just a topping. It’s a crucial part of the dish that adds a creamy richness and spicy kick. Starting with mayonnaise as the base, you create a texture that’s smooth and rich, ensuring the sauce is velvety.



Adding Sriracha to the spicy mayo does more than just make it hot. It adds a complex flavor that goes well with the creamy mayonnaise. Sriracha, a hot sauce, mixes spiciness with a hint of sweetness and tanginess, improving the mayo’s taste. This mix makes the sauce spicy and full of flavor.


Garlic is also mixed into the spicy mayo, giving a sharp taste that matches the mayonnaise’s creaminess. The strong flavor of garlic contrasts with the mayo’s smoothness, making a tasty combination. The heat from the Sriracha and the bold taste of garlic create a spicy mayo that’s not only hot but also rich and tasty, making it a great addition to the dish’s other ingredients.



Honey and lime juice are the last touches to the spicy mayo, playing a crucial role beyond just adding taste; they balance the sauce. Honey brings in a gentle sweetness, softening the Sriracha’s heat, making sure the spicy mayo is warmly flavored without being too hot. It also adds a new layer to the mayonnaise’s richness.


Lime juice adds a tangy, citrus twist, cutting through the mayo’s richness and the Sriracha’s heat, adding a fresh and bright flavor. The mix of honey’s sweetness with the lime juice’s tartness blends well with the other ingredients, improving the spicy mayo’s overall flavor.


This careful mix of ingredients makes a spicy mayo that’s flavorful, rich, and balanced. It’s a perfect match for the nachos, bringing complexity to every bite. Plus, you can adjust the Sriracha amount to make the sauce as spicy or mild as you prefer.

Step 4

Cut & Fry Wontons



Using wonton wrappers as the base is a clever twist that adds a fantastic crunch to the dish. When fried or baked, these wrappers turn wonderfully crispy, providing a great contrast to the softer textures of the other ingredients. This choice is a creative shift from traditional nacho chips.


Cutting the wonton wrappers into triangles gives them the ideal shape for nachos, echoing the classic triangular nacho chips. This makes them perfect for loading up with toppings like marinated tuna, spicy mayo, and fresh veggies. The shape isn’t just nice to look at; it also makes the wontons easy to handle and eat.


The crisp texture of the wonton wrappers brings an additional layer to the nachos, pairing perfectly with the soft tuna, creamy mayo, and fresh additions. This inventive base choice not only makes the nachos tasty but also unforgettable.


For this recipe, Nasoya Vegan Won Ton Wraps were used.



Start by warming up enough oil in a frying pan on medium heat. When the oil gets hot, gently put the wonton wrappers in the pan, laying them flat. Fry them for 1 to 2 minutes, or until the bottom begins to turn a golden brown. This first step of frying makes the bottom of the wontons crispy and cooks them evenly. Keep an eye on the heat to make sure the wontons don’t burn, adjusting the temperature as needed.





Once the bottom side of the wontons is golden brown, flip them to fry the other side. This makes sure both sides get crispy evenly. Fry for another 1 to 2 minutes until the other side turns golden brown too. The goal is to get a uniform golden color and crispiness on both sides, giving your nachos that perfect crunch.



After frying both sides of the wontons to a golden brown, take them out of the pan and place them on a plate covered with paper towels. This drains off extra oil, ensuring the wontons stay crisp without being oily. Lay the fried wontons out in one layer on the plate to stop them from getting soggy. Letting them sit for a bit cools them down and keeps them crispy, ready for the next step of adding toppings.


Sprinkling the wontons with salt as soon as they’re fried boosts their flavor, adding a savory quality that goes well with everything else. The salt enhances the wontons’ own taste and helps balance the rich flavors of toppings like the marinated tuna and spicy mayo. It’s important to be careful with the amount of salt; a little bit is enough to improve the taste without making the wontons too salty. This last step finishes the wonton wrappers’ prep, setting them up as the ideal crunchy foundation for your nachos.

Step 5

Enjoy Your Ahi Tuna Nachos!



Putting the nachos together is when all the parts blend. You start with the crispy wontons at the bottom, adding the flavorful tuna on top. Then, fresh veggies give a crisp, fresh touch that goes well against the tuna’s tenderness.


The spicy mayo, drizzled over everything, is the finishing touch. It’s more than just a topping; it’s essential for bringing all the tastes together with its creamy, spicy kick, rounding off the dish perfectly.



The Other Guys

The Other Guys


Allen and Terry argue over the battle of a lion and a Tuna.


More About Ahi Tuna Nachos

Following our delectable Ahi Tuna Nacho recipe, it’s fascinating to explore the origins and variations of this dish that blend culinary traditions from around the globe. These nachos are a modern fusion delight, marrying the rich flavors of traditional Hawaiian poke with the beloved format of Mexican nachos, resulting in an innovative and irresistible dish.


The Evolution of Tuna Poke Nachos:

Ahi Tuna Wonton Nachos have gained popularity in modern dining spots, presenting an innovative twist on traditional nacho recipes. Swapping out the standard ground beef or chicken for marinated ahi tuna, this version welcomes eaters to the refined flavors of sushi-grade fish, paired with the crisp texture of wonton chips. This combination not only refreshes the classic nacho concept with tortilla chips but also blends the distinct crunch of wonton with the savory taste of ahi tuna, creating a unique and appealing dish.



Exploring Variations:
Ahi Tuna Poke Wonton: This version uses wonton chips as a base, topped with marinated ahi tuna poke. The poke, seasoned with soy sauce, sesame oil, and other ingredients, provides a savory contrast to the crispy wonton chips.


Creamy Avocado Addition: Adding creamy avocado to the nachos introduces a smooth texture and rich flavor, balancing the savory taste of the tuna and the crispiness of the chips.


Wasabi Mayo: For those who enjoy a bit of heat, drizzling wasabi mayo over the top of the nachos adds a spicy kick, enhancing the overall flavor profile of the dish.


Grocery Store Accessibility:
One of the great aspects of tuna poke nachos is the accessibility of the ingredients. Most, if not all, components can be easily found at your local grocery store, making it simple for home cooks to recreate this gourmet dish in their own kitchens.


Serving Suggestions:
These nachos can be served as an appetizer, a main dish, or a snack for gatherings. They’re particularly appealing for those looking to impress guests with a unique and flavorful option that deviates from traditional party foods.